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Nov 2023

What’s driving the rush for new vision, mission and values across the HR community?

Author: John Tarrant

We’ve had growing requests recently from clients and prospects who feel that now’s the critical time to revisit their vision, mission and values. It’s not necessarily been planned, but more a cry for help in terms of a moment in time in their organisations. So, what’s driving it? 
It’s a bit of a perfect storm due to many different factors.
Firstly, the credibility gap – the old vision and values are no longer relevant to the current business, and the omission has become glaringly obvious. In other organisations, the future is predicated on getting more (revenue, profit, growth) but with relatively fewer people. Staff at every level need to understand what you want, and need, them to be at work and why. Leaders and managers must understand and fulfil their responsibilities in their actions – both are critical for business efficiency and positive change. Post-COVID, we’ve also seen employee expectations change. Now more than ever, they see the value in their talent and seek meaning in their work. If they don’t see and share your purpose and their part in it, they’ll take their talent elsewhere. Customer expectations have changed similarly - experience and service are key, not just the transaction. 
We’ve covered the ‘why’. But what are the questions around the ‘how’? How do we prove the business case? How do we run an effective process? How do we engage the doubters? How do we ensure we live and embed the values? Every client and situation is different, but with clear objectives and an aspiration to be distinct, authentic and compelling, great things can happen. All those questions and more are answered in the DNA best practice guide we’ve prepared to support HR professionals. Just click on the link below for more.

Is it time to re-evaluate your vision, mission and values?

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